2012年4月25日 星期三

2012/04/25 ANZAC Day

Hello, everyone!

How was your holiday?

Did you see the march on the street or go to the beach and enjoy the sunshine?

Ashley and I went to Surfers Paradise and did some some shopping,

got something that I need for work...

It's still crowded here.

I had the ice cream, which was yummy and creamy.

(Actually, I have been that ice cream shop for three times...)

Hope you guys enjoy your holiday today, and don't forget to say hello to your parents in Taiwan,

I think they miss you guys very much.

Alright then, I'll see you tomorrow; and we have sport class,

remember to wear comfortable shoes!

Lunch we had!


3 則留言:

  1. 老師我是蕭智謙因為家裡有事所以5/17那天要請假. 不好意思

  2. 是為何留言在這裡呀?把家務事搬到這裡來,

    多不好意思? 是不好意思讓人家知道你是餐三乙蕭智謙吼?


  3. 老師我是班長啦,不是啦是我叫他在這留的,因為打國際電話感覺又不像緊急的事情,可是因為300元已經繳了,要是這樣的話要去會計室那邊退錢,所以我才叫他在這裡跟妳講的,因為妳每天都會在這裡打日記

