2011年6月13日 星期一

Movie World

It is a public holiday , Queen's Birthday .
Therefore, there are many people there .
Almost every riding needs kids to wait in line for a long time .
They are still very excited !

Wait for opening

the view of Movie World

Crazy Kids & 卉綺sir. ~Those kids took "Wild West Falls Adventure Ride"

twice . Awesome!

After the thrilling riding , all the guys waitted for driving "Bumper Cars ." Thank you for guys . All of you are nice !
It's fun and interesting .

In the afternoon , we have already

feel hungry !

They bought Hot Dogs and these hot dogs taste nice .

O.k..It's almost 3:00 . We should shop for some

souvenirs .

and take some pictures .

Everyone finally go back to their host family with safe and happy
It's seems to be a happy ending .........

Have a good night !

1 則留言:

  1. 蟹老闆每天都有按時收看滴,只是不敢出聲,怕壞了你們的好夢!相信澳洲的你們除了自由落體的挑戰,更有開口說英文的膽量! 也向兩位辛苦的英文老師Orz
